Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Stop Mosquitoes from Breeding in Your Backyard Pond

While backyard ponds add tranquility to a landscape, they can become a source of irritation if mosquitoes breed. Here's how to keep your backyard pond mosquito free.

Introduce Fish

Although koi are prized for their beauty, you'll need to augment with other species known for eating mosquito larvae. Goldfish or guppies fit the bill and tend to get along well with other fish species.

Add Aeration

Since mosquitoes breed in standing water, keeping ponds moving is a sure way to keep the bugs moving too. Try an aeration pump, a fountain, water bubbler, or a DIY pond aerator.

Opt for Vegetation

Floating plants like water lilies limit the surface area of ponds, making them less attractive to mosquitoes. These shouldn't be too thick, though. Make sure that fish in your pond can still swim around and through the vegetation.

By taking these simple steps, you're on your way to enjoying your water feature without the accompanying bug bites.