Monday, November 7, 2016

Suggestions For 5 Easy Indoor Plants

Adding greenery to an indoor environment has a variety of benefits. Plants absorb the carbon dioxide released by humans, helping to make rooms healthier. Plants also absorb toxins from the air, which also creates a healthier atmosphere. Even people without strong gardening skills can succeed in growing any of these five indoor plants.

1. Aloe

Give an Aloe plant a sunny window, and it will thrive. Another benefit of aloe is its proclivity to dry soil, so it's fine to water sporadically.

2. Spider Plant

Spider Plant is also easy going without high demands for care. Place a container where it will receive medium amounts of sunlight and keep the soil evenly moist without allowing it to dry out.

3. Dieffenbachia

With minimal care, Dieffenbachia can grow up to 6 feet in height. Place the plant where it will receive low to medium sunlight, and provide just enough water to prevent the soil from drying.

4. Snake Plant

Any amount of sunlight will do for Snake Plant. Allow the soil to dry before providing a small amount of water.

5. Areca Palm

For splashy fronds, the Areca Palm makes a great addition to any room. A healthy plant could grow to seven feet tall. Find a spot with indirect sunlight, and only water the Areca Palm every other week.

Smart plant choices will enable virtually anyone to display an impressive green thumb.