Wednesday, January 18, 2017

BBQ FAQ: How Do Gas and Charcoal Grills Differ?

Gas and charcoal are the nation's two most popular grilling options. For those looking to invest in new grilling hardware, learning the benefits and drawbacks of each is essential in making an informed decision. Read on for a quick guide to the differences between gas and charcoal grills.


Charcoal grills offer a high-end piece of hardware for around $100. To get a reliable, high-performing gas grill, expect to pay at least $500.

Cooking Performance

Which grill gives the superior BBQ? Here, the answer comes down to preference. The burning coals in charcoal grills give them superior slow-cooking and smoking capabilities, while gas grills have the upper hand in fast cooking.


Charcoal grills have a wider temperature range, with cooking temperatures ranging from very low to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Gas grills typically sit somewhere in the middle, with lows around 200 degrees and highs near 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Maintenance, Start-Up, and Clean-Up

Gas grills typically take 5-10 minutes to fire up and cool down, whereas charcoal grills take up to 30 minutes for the coals to heat up and cool down. Maintenance for gas grills usually involves the occasional grease-trap clean and bar wipe down, while charcoal grills require coal emptying and regular bar wipe downs.

Interested in learning more? Contact a local grilling hardware expert!